[Twisted-Python] new to Guard

orya at bgumail.bgu.ac.il orya at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Mon Dec 15 09:39:10 MST 2003

Hello there my Twisted fellow mates,

I have used Twisted to build an http web interface.
i want to add an authentication form before logging into the site
i'm a bit confused from the cred/guard documentation...

How do i attach a guard to my existing web server??
And how do i redirect to the main page after logged in??
I'll appriciate it if someone can guide me through the initial steps.

here is an little example of the main class code:
import os

from twisted.web import server, static
from twisted.application import service, internet

from main import MainPage


# Create Web server
root = MainPage() # inherits from page.Page
root.putChild("css", static.File("css"))    # css subdir
site = server.Site(root)

# Create Application
application = service.Application("webserver")

# Create Web service
port = 8080
web = internet.TCPServer(port, site)

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