[Twisted-Python] startService not called in finger14.py ?

Martin Waite martin at datacash.com
Thu Dec 11 06:25:09 EST 2003


It seems that FingerService.stopService() and
FingerService.startService() never actually get called 
in finger14.py in the tutorial.

I have added logging into startService() and stopService()
to trace when they get called:

# Read from file
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.python import log

class FingerProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
    def lineReceived(self, user):
        ).addErrback(lambda _: "Internal error in server"
        ).addCallback(lambda m:

class FingerService(service.Service):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.users = {}
        self.filename = filename
    def startService(self):
        def _read(self):
            for line in file(self.file):
                user, status = line.split(':', 1)
                self.users[user] = status
            self.call = reactor.callLater(30, _read)
	log.msg( "startService" )
    def stopService(self):
	log.msg( "stopService" )
    def getUser(self, user):
        return defer.succeed(self.users.get(user, "No such user"))
    def getFingerFactory(self):
	log.msg( "getFingerFactory" )
        f = protocol.ServerFactory()
        f.protocol, f.getUser = FingerProtocol, self.getUser,
        f.startService = self.startService
        return f

application = service.Application('finger', uid=1, gid=1)
f = FingerService('/home/martin/users')
finger = internet.TCPServer(1079, f.getFingerFactory())

Running the example:

 twistd2.2 -noy finger14.py
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Log opened.
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] twistd 1.1.1 (/usr/bin/python2.2 2.2.1) starting up
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.default.SelectReactor
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Loading finger14.py...
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] getFingerFactory
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Loaded.
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory starting on 1079
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Starting factory <twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory instance at 0x828e5e4>


2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] (Port 1079 Closed)
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Stopping factory <twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory instance at 0x828e5e4>
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Main loop terminated.
2003/12/11 11:20 GMT [-] Server Shut Down.


This is bad news for me because I'm trying to write a service
based on this code.   I really want stopService() to be called
so I can cleanly close down my app, but I can't figure out
how to do it.

Can anyone help please ?


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