[Twisted-Python] A newbie experience. Chapter one.

Nils R Grotnes nils at paragon.no
Fri Jul 19 00:40:56 EDT 2002

Hi again!

>> I can't seem to find a PYTHONPATH anywhere
>PYTHONPATH is an environment variable. If you use a flavor of Windows
>NT, you can set environment variables through a GUI by right-clicking on
>"My Computer", selecting "Properties", then selecting the "Adanced" tab,
>and then clicking the "Environment Variables" button (IIRC - this is
>from memory).

You have a good memory, then. I did do that in the end. An interesting
thing is that it seems this entry hasn't survived a reboot, but that may be
because I put it under "System variables", instead of "User variables".
I'll do some testing.

>> you may want to skip this and simply get the Windows Installer version
>> Twisted from the download page."
>Terribly sorry about this: I don't think there have been any .exe-style
>installers for a few versions.

Not to worry, setup.py must have done some good. I'm currently testing
different things for my next "chapter", but so far there's nothing to
complain about.

>finding people to consistently delegate stuff like this to for new
>releases (My release procedure is involved enough, and I'm lazy enough,
>that I don't really want to add this extra work to it). So if anyone's
>willing to consistently do this, I'd greatly appreciate it. :-)

I would like to, but can't promise much consistency I'm afraid.

>> again, then running another full test led to another failure removed.
>Ok, this is a known issue with threading on Win32.

Oh well. I wonder what they did to make things like MTS work with high
loads then? I'll keep the problem in mind though, and make some notes if I
stumble into useful information about this issue.

>Anyway, it probably doesn't matter unless you need to use threading on
>Win32. (Can someone else comment on this?)

A registry monitor I once tried to make, failed to work as intended because
of lack of threading support (in VB). Probably very easy to do in C though.
But doing things async (like in Medusa) should still work, right?
>> Still, I have had some of Twisted running! There's hope.
>Thank you for the email! It's great to hear from newbies, especially
>when they describe the pains and bugs that they've found in our
>software. Hopefully by 1.0 Twisted will have a nice installation
>experience on all platforms. :-)

If I can help in some small way with that, I'd be thrilled.


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