[Twisted-Python] System Plugings

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Tue Sep 25 16:25:41 EDT 2001

On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 08:00:57PM +0200, Moshe Zadka wrote:
> I object to placing plugins/ as a sibling for twisted/ - these
> should be in something like /usr/share/twisted/plugins/.
> Advice for a way to have the Debian installation append this
> directory to the Python page in addDir will be met with thanks.

I think you have a good criticism there, but we need to have a method which
does platform-specific path additions, since most platforms are vastly
different in their management of paths.  Right now, I'm thinking I want to have
/User/%s/Applications/Twisted.app/Contents/Plugins as my plugin directory...

<rant> I really hate the unix installation scheme.  The fact that Windows is
worse isn't an excuse.  Debian does a great job of covering for some really
basic deficiencies in it, but unless you're on a system with a package manager
there's no way to tell where a file came from.  The one thing that users
actually care about -- end user software, or "Application programs" -- is
basically non-existant unix environment.  There's not even a convention, let
alone a standard, for how a user would install a modified version of an
application for themselves personally.  I want Twisted to be a self-contained
directory on all systems by default, and have specific policy settings only on
those systems where an "installer" or package management system is
advantageous. </rant>

I do think Twisted should be integrated into the installation culture wherever
it goes.  However, /usr/share/twisted/plugins doesn't necessarily make sense
for system-wide installs even on debian.  (Python's maintainer flaunts policy,
why shouldn't we? ^_^)  Probably plugins will have to live under site-python,
in order that appropriate .pyc and .so files may be created (thanks to the
ever-changing bytecode specification).

The strategy that makes the most sense to me right now is just a
twisted/python/path.py which has a big if-tree that adds paths depending on the
platform you're using.  That seems icky though, so I'm open to better

______      you are in a maze of twisted little applications, all
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|     |          -- glyph lefkowitz, glyph @ twisted matrix . com
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