[Reality] still in effect, the mock you made

Christopher Armstrong radix at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Oct 12 10:32:48 CDT 2006

On 10/12/06, glyph at divmod.com <glyph at divmod.com> wrote:
>     - The 'consequentlyDo' method of Action is the implementation of
> ordering
>       referred to above.  Actions have Consequences.  In this example (and I
>       think for the first implementation) consequences will be
> non-persistent
>       and will execute at the end of the transaction that the subject Action
> is
>       executing in.  An action's lifecycle is like this:
>         parse -> do -> perform checks, broadcast test events -> broadcast
>         success event -> execute consequences -> send network notifications
> to
>         clients

This doesn't sound right: If I want to perform an Action in response
to your Action, my action should definitely not be in the same
transaction. That's what I was imagining that consequentlyDo
("respond" in my proposal) would allow you to do. If it doesn't, then
what *do* you do if you want to run an Action in response?

Christopher Armstrong
International Man of Twistery

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