[Reality] Current Task: OBJECT PROXIES.

Duncan McGreggor duncan.mcgreggor at gmail.com
Tue May 2 08:53:21 CDT 2006

On May 2, 2006, at 6:00 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

> On Mon, 1 May 2006 20:55:40 -0400, Christopher Armstrong 
> <radix at twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
>> Jp and I will be working on "OBJECT PROXIES" starting tonight. These 
>> are
>> meant to solve the problem of dynamically changing the behavior based 
>> on
>> intermediary game objects. FOR EXAMPLE: A sound-proof glass window 
>> should
>> let light through but not sound. This would be implemented by 
>> capturing
>> events which traverse the glass window, and removing aurial concepts 
>> from
>> that event. MAYBE. We don't actually know how we're going to do this, 
>> but
>> we'll write some unit tests and see where that takes us.
> We made a little progress on this.  A new findProviders method has 
> been added which returns a generator of all objects that provide a 
> particular interface within a certain distance from a particular 
> object.  We didn't get much further than that because we noticed 
> several tests in the suite had started failing due to my upgrader to 
> dapper: pyparsing is smashing unicode down into byte strings 
> sometimes, which breaks when it hits axiom.
> Anyone know how to force pyparsing to always emit unicode?

I don't know how to force it to *always* emit unicode, but you can 
redefine your alphas:

   alphas = u''.join(unichr(x) for x in xrange(startUnicodeRange, 

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