[Reality] speaking/listening interfaces

Eric Wong reality@twistedmatrix.com
Fri, 5 Sep 2003 15:09:19 -0700

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Is the mailing list back?

I'm attaching two files, speaking.py and listening.py.  Do these do the
right thing to create interfaces/adapters?  speaking.py defines a basic
interace for talking or whispering in a room, listening.py defines an
interface for listening to things said.

The latest thing that I find a little confusing is using the variable
'actor' to mean the adapter to the interface.  It probably makes perfect
sense in the component model, but it seems a little ambiguous when
talking about mud/mush/moo/virtual worlds.

How does the unit testing work?  I looked over test_reality.py and I'm
not sure how to use it (actually run the unit tests) or add new tests.


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This is the speaking (whisper, say, tell and shout) interface/adapter
for Twisted Reality.  Things need to have the listening interface to
actually receive the message.

from twisted.python import components
from reality.text import english
from reality import actions, things, listening

################################################################ speak/say
class Speak( actions.NoTargetAction ):

    onlyBroadcastToActor = 1

    def __init__( self, adapter, text ):
        Note this takes two args (the interface adapter and the text
        spoken), even though normally NoTargetAction only takes one.
        super( Speak, self ).__init__( adapter )
        self.text = text

    def formatToActor( self ):
        return "You say: ", self.text

    def doAction( self ):
        Find the other listeners in the room, and tell them what
        was said.
        speaker = self.actor.original
        location = speaker.location
        for o in location.findListeners( self, listening.IListenActor ):
            if o.original is not speaker:
                listening.Listen( o, speaker, self.text ).performAction()

class Speaker( components.Adapter ):
    __implements__ = ISpeakActor

components.registerAdapter( Speaker, things.Actor, ISpeakActor )

class SayParser( english.Subparser ):
    def parse_say( self, player, text ):
        adapter = player.getComponent( ISpeakActor )
        if adapter is None:
            return []
        return [ Speak( adapter, text ) ]

english.registerSubparser( SayParser() )

################################################################ whisper
IWhisperTarget = listening.IListenActor
class Whisper( actions.TargetAction ):

    def __init__( self, adapter, targetName, text ):
        super( Whisper, self ).__init__( adapter, targetName )
        self.text = text
        whisperer = self.actor.original
        location = whisperer.location

    def formatToActor( self ):
        return "You whisper to ", self.target, ": ", self.text

    def formatToTarget( self ):
        return self.actor, " whispers to you: ", self.text
    def formatToOther( self ):
        return None

    def doAction( self ):

class Whisperer( components.Adapter ):
    __implements__ = IWhisperActor

components.registerAdapter( Whisperer, things.Actor, IWhisperActor )

class WhisperParser( english.Subparser ):
    def parse_whisper( self, player, text ):
        adapter = player.getComponent( IWhisperActor )
        if adapter is None or text.find( " " ) == -1:
            return []
        (targetName, message) = text.split( None, 1 )
        return [ Whisper( adapter, targetName, message ) ]

english.registerSubparser( WhisperParser() )

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="listening.py"

The listening interface/adapter.  Something needs to have this to
'listen' what a speaker says (see speaking.py).

from twisted.python import components
from reality import actions, things

class Listen( actions.NoTargetAction ):
    onlyBroadcastToActor = 1

    def __init__( self, adapter, speaker, text ):
        super( Listen, self ).__init__( adapter )
        self.speaker = speaker
        self.text = text

    def formatToActor( self ):
        return self.speaker, " says: ", str( self.text )

    def doAction( self ):

class Listener( components.Adapter ):
    __implements__ = IListenActor

components.registerAdapter( Listener, things.Actor, IListenActor )
