[Reality] Socials questions

Michael Dartt mad96@hampshire.edu
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:28:31 -0500 (EST)

I'm parsing in the socials from a text file and storing them in a
dictionary (Socials.socials, indexed by name, of course).  IIUnderstandC,
I need to put an action() function in socials.py, which will be executed
as if it were a verb.  Here's what I'm wondering:

1) Since the socials are being held in their own dictionary, how will the
game know to call the socials "verb" when someone calls, say, "bite"?  Or
will "socials" be called whenever the given verb can't be found?

2) Should I throw an InappropriateVerb exception or a NoVerb exception if
the requested social doesn't exist?

3) Should the action() method be inside the Socials class, or outside it?
Is this true for all verbs?

I was thinking originally that the socials dictionary would be part of the
given reality, e.g. self.socials = Socials("socials.txt"), and it could
then be referenced by whatever does the verb checking, so that the socials
stuff isn't run unless the requested one actually exists.

I hope I haven't been too confusing.  Thanks in advance for your help.
