[Reality] Where is stuff?

Michael Dartt mad96@hampshire.edu
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:44:24 -0500 (EST)

Maybe it's b/c I'm tired, but I'm having trouble finding out what,
exactly, I can do with a player, esp. the following functions: hears(),
he(), him(), etc.  Where can I find this out?  I didn't see them in the
User class.  Also, where should I put the code for determining whether or
not the social exists?  I assume it should go in core.Sentence, along with
the verb stuff, but I'm not exactly sure what to have it check.  And,
shall I add the creation of the socials in the initialization of the

On another note, are we trying to win an obfuscated Python contest?  I
popped open PlayerSayHandler.py, and all I saw was:

def event(ev,th):
	th.hears(ev.origin,' says, "',ev.data,'".')

"th"?  What kind of thing is that?  Looks like a player, but I haven't
seen any comments, or any documented references....
