[Reality] Item List (!)

James Knight jknight@MIT.EDU
Sun, 2 Jan 2000 06:19:29 -0500

Due to Sun's engineers entering in a conspiracy to make it impossible to
make a JList with contents that would be good to line wrap (like, hm,
TEXT!), it has taken an exceedingly long time to get a version of the
Faucet that uses a JList in a usable state. However, now I now believe I
have whipped it into shape mostly. The bugs that remain are mostly of my
doing (all having to do with entering and leaving objects I believe). I've
checked the code into CVS anyways just so people can check out the JList
and make sure it works on all platforms/versions of swing (which is not at
all certain due to the amount of poking around in Swing's innards that I
had to do to make it work properly). If you're looking for release code
don't use this version though. :) Better-working stuff will soon follow.
I know of one small display bug, that is the expand control isn't
transparent. Other than that I think it should work pretty well, besides
the bugs you'll surely run into with entering and leaving objects.

You are in a maze of testy little Java VMs, all subtly different.