[Reality] Re: Color

Michael Dartt jedin@twistedmatrix.com
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:58:28 -0400 (EDT)

[Making colors theme-specific]

	Wouldn't this pretty much destroy the purpose of having the
colors in the first place?  If part of the point of having colored text
is so someone can distinguish between speech, system messages, people's
actions, etc., and the colors change with each theme, it's basically
useless: you'll have to re-learn (and remember) a new color scheme for
every theme.

> >(SOMEBODY will make an area where every letter is a different color).
> I disagree. If someone makes an area like that, then it should just be
> deleted. Its not the code's buisness to enforce aesthetic rules. Besides
> which, this is a general mechanism encompassing color, styles, sizes, and
> embedded picture icons.

	I agree with James' comment--after all, the rest of the server
still allows people to make areas that are poorly written.  Still, I'm
wondering why one would want to be able to do a different color for each
letter and such. Sure, it's an optional feature, but why spend the
time/space on having it if it shouldn't be used?