[Reality] more release stuffs

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 13:57:18 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, James Knight wrote:

> 3 things:
> There was a bug in GuestLogin that caused it to fail to work after a guest
> had logged in 7 times or so. Fixed.

Good.  It was late, and GuestLogin was really a hack -- I spent most of my
time fixing transferControlTo :-) (It was really broken)

> All the files in twisted/* have been given a tag Reality_1-1_BASE on the
> current version, and Reality_1-1_BRANCH to branch off and make fixes to the
> 1.1 distrib if needed.

OK.  That's spiffy.  I don't know what it means though :-)

> The MacOS Faucet is made, and is at helix/~james/faucet.sit and
> faucet.sit.hqx for ppl who have trouble with the first for whatever reason.
> They should be moved to the official webpage.
> -James

Cool!  It's been moved to the official mac website.  I'm glad we've got at
least one "mainstream" desktop platform out there.  I don't think the
Windows download is going to work at all ... we need to write a VB script
to find their freaking Java VM...
