[Divunal-author]contact info (sorry to do this to you guys)

Michael Dartt mad96@hampshire.edu
Sat, 08 Jan 2000 18:04:11 -0500

Actually, it looks like your first name is "Divunal" and your last is
"Maxwell", which looks kinda weird, but maybe it's just me.  :-)

Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
> Realizing that AOL lets you have REDICULOUSLY long handles these days, I
> have changed my AIM screen name to "Divunal Maxwell".
> I know it's gratuitous, but it looks so much better :-)
> ----
> The Tao is like a glob pattern:             It is masked but always present.
> used but never used up.                     I don't know who built to it.
> It is like the extern void:                 It came before the first kernel.
> filled with infinite possibilities.         [glyph@twistedmatrix.com]
> _______________________________________________
> Divunal-author maillist  -  Divunal-author@twistedmatrix.com
> http://www.twistedmatrix.com/mailman/listinfo/divunal-author