[Divunal-author]Propgating events (fwd)

Michael Dartt mad96@hampshire.edu
Sat, 02 Oct 1999 20:58:52 +0000

Off the top of my head:

Perhaps a "Propogate events to" list in rooms, possibly allowing for
certain "wildcards" like the ones below and, ideally something like "all
other rooms in the forest".    

This sounds like it could get into the "separate maps" issue, and that
might be the most expedient way of dealing with it (and having "shards"
down the road).  It might be sufficient to have a) a property on rooms
to denote what area(s) they belong to (e.g. Maxwell's Castle, Tenth's
Mansion) or b) a vector for each area of "pointers" to included rooms. 
The former might fit better with the current setup, while the latter
would probably be faster to use.

In any PropEvent parent class would be handy for handling universal
propogation issues, being extended for individual things like weather,
sounds, time of day, etc.

Something I thought about a bit a while ago, that seems pertinet here:
should we change room's descriptions when the weather/time of day/etc
changes?  Certainly more realistic, but probably too panful to

Sorry I can't send code, but doing this requires much more time and
knowledge of the server than I have.


Tenth wrote:
> From: Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph@twistedmatrix.com>
> You should send this to the 'reality' list (reality@twistedmatrix.com)...
> then somebody besides me might pick it up and run with it :-)
> On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Tenth wrote:
> > Another thing for the todo list... Propgated events (e.g., a unifed way to
> > say "everyone in adjacent rooms hears" or "everyone in non-obstructed
> > adjacent rooms" hears.) Progated events in general also includes weather
> > and stuff, but this would be nice to think about soon, too.
>         Any ideas?  :-)
> - Tenth
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