[Divunal-author]Inactive Deities UNITE

Haley Miller hmiller@turing.csc.smith.edu
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 07:49:53 -0500

I'm willing to wager alot of people are going to have time to spare in
three weeks. I know I will. I may even be able to put in six consecutive
hours of sleep at some point, but lets not hope for too much. Those of us
who haven't had the time to do something productive with Divunal but who
want to continue to make this game spectacular, should get together and
make something happen over Chirstmas break. We should plan for a Plot
event and maybe jointly add a new area/coulpe of rooms. (as well as
building your own area - at least, that's what I intend to do.)   

Inactive people with time on our hands, lets see if we can make SOMETHING

What say you all? 

Haley/Agatha, the inactive
