[Divunal-author]More Author Information

Tenth tenth@clockwork.divunal.com
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:41:53 -0400 (EDT)

I just wanted to welcome our new authors to the list, and also let
everyone know (especially the newer authors who haven't spent several
hours talking to us about this project in person) that I'm in the process
of putting more authoring guidelines up on the page... Most of it won't be
available until Thursday or Friday, but I just fixed the "What is Divunal,
Anyway?" page, which now includes a nice, readable summary of the Divunal
project, the plot, and the experience we intend to provide to the average 
player. We didn't have one of those before, and I hope it will help to
clear up some of the confusion our lack of good documentation has caused.


- Tenth