t.w.s.MetaDataMixin(object) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web2.static View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.web2.static.StaticRenderMixin

Mix-in class for iweb.IResource which provides methods for accessing resource metadata specified by HTTP.
Method etag
Method lastModified
Method creationDate
Method contentLength
Method contentType
Method contentEncoding
Method displayName
Method exists
def etag(self): (source)
ReturnsThe current etag for the resource if available, None otherwise.
def lastModified(self): (source)
ReturnsThe last modified time of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def creationDate(self): (source)
ReturnsThe creation date of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def contentLength(self): (source)
ReturnsThe size in bytes of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def contentType(self): (source)
ReturnsThe MIME type of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def contentEncoding(self): (source)
ReturnsThe encoding of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def displayName(self): (source)
ReturnsThe display name of the resource if available, None otherwise.
def exists(self): (source)
ReturnsTrue if the resource exists on the server, False otherwise.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:02:37.