Part of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase View Source
Parameters | offendingFunctions | If None , all warnings issued during the currently running
test will be flushed. Otherwise, only warnings which point to a
function included in this list will be flushed. All warnings include a
filename and source line number; if these parts of a warning point to a
source line which is part of a function, then the warning points to
that function.
(type: NoneType or list of functions or methods.
) |
Returns | A list , each element of which is a dict giving
information about one warning which was flushed by this call. The keys of
each dict are:
| |
Raises | ValueError | If offendingFunctions is not None and includes
an object which is not a FunctionType or
MethodType instance.
IOError | If the source file (.py) for one of the functions in
offendingFunctions is not available, its lines cannot be
determined and IOError will be raised. (It may be possible to
implement this function without requiring source files by using the
co_lnotab attribute of code objects.)