t.w.error : module documentation

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Exception definitions for twisted.web.
Class Error A basic HTTP error.
Class PageRedirect A request resulted in an HTTP redirect.
Class InfiniteRedirection HTTP redirection is occurring endlessly.
Class RedirectWithNoLocation Exception passed to ResponseFailed if we got a redirect without a Location header field.
Class UnsupportedMethod Raised by a resource when faced with a strange request method.
Class SchemeNotSupported The scheme of a URI was not one of the supported values.
Class ErrorPage Deprecated alias for twisted.web.resource.ErrorPage.
Class NoResource Deprecated alias for twisted.web.resource.NoResource.
Class ForbiddenResource Deprecated alias for twisted.web.resource.ForbiddenResource.
Class RenderError Base exception class for all errors which can occur during template rendering.
Class MissingRenderMethod Tried to use a render method which does not exist.
Class MissingTemplateLoader MissingTemplateLoader is raised when trying to render an Element without a template loader, i.e. a loader attribute.
Class UnexposedMethodError Raised on any attempt to get a method which has not been exposed.
Class UnfilledSlot During flattening, a slot with no associated data was encountered.
Class UnsupportedType During flattening, an object of a type which cannot be flattened was encountered.
Class FlattenerError An error occurred while flattening an object.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-06-04 17:20:01.